Friday, October 9, 2009

I love the way the Universe works!

Do you want the nitty griddy details?

Ok. So, I dont know how many of you know that I came to USA from Macedonia. A
wesome country, but I have to say that the people are a little more closed minded. Just now they are starting to open up to tattoing and even that is more in the context of - macedonian pride (which I am fine with) or nice pictures of animals, flowers etc. They are not familiar with tribal tattoos and them being hard core orthodox - they have a picture in their head that henna tattoos are only for muslims.

That said, I had a henna design done on my hand and then up to my elbow, crowned with a Black Widow Spider (which all still have to be finished). My friend is still back home. I l
ove her, I grew up with her....but she has a different taste and world views than me.

She noticed the pictures of my tattoos on Facebook and let me know of her thoughts. Well....that was was told that my tribal/henna tattoos look like a kid scribbled them and that I should fire my artist. And that my spider is creepy and so not tasteful. I have to express that I told her everyone has their own taste buds and all this is relative - nobody can find the same one thing attractive. And thats a good thing though. BUT she insisted that the artist is no good.....ok....

Today I receive a forwarded e-mail from her. You know, one of those that tell you to send them to xxxx people. This e-mail was about the Goddess Lakshmi and was asking to send to people for prosperity.....HA!!!!! I got ya now!!!! The same tattoos that she was trashing are a "prayer" to Lakshmi for luck and prosperity.....

I just love when the circle closes like this. I did make sure I e-mailed her back to let her know.

Yeah....I was too geeked about this and HAD to blog about it. Dont judge me!


Katherine Your Online Avon Lady said...

no time remember a true friend would never have been so cruel to you. Art is art and yours belongs to you. :-) Hugs

Duni said...

Getting ready for Halloween?!
The mendhi on your hand is very pretty :)

Mea Culpa Bath and Body said...

heheee...sure ready for Halloween here :-) Thanks Duni :-)

Well, she thought cuz she knows me for so long she can tell me everything...I mean things are better unsaid :-)